We love our customers and the vast majority are courteous and polite but every so often we get a creeper who finds it impossible to be a decent person. This is where we post their stories.
Shame #6 – The Drive-by Thieves – $100 Reward
These two scumbags stole Leah’s tip jar then returned later after she had closed. Espresso-X is offering a $100 reward, paid in Espresso-X Gift Cards, for information leading to the apprehension and conviction of these scumbags. Pueblo Police Department case #CR 18-06675.

I guess I’ll just have to make a Glitter Bomb for the tip jar. 🙂
Shame #5 – The Counterfeiter – $100 Reward
This embarrassment to humanity showed up on foot with two children and used them to distract the barista as he passed a fake bill. Since he was on foot we assume he’s from the neighborhood. I have removed the footage with the children to protect their identity. If you see or recognize this excuse of a human being, Emma and the rest of us would be very grateful if you would notify us and the Pueblo Police Department and reference case #CR 18-18951. Espresso-X is offering a $100 reward, paid in Espresso-X Gift Cards, for information leading to the apprehension and conviction of these scumbags.
Shame #4 – The backpack Thief
These clown in the red Nisan Pathfinder, Colorado plate number ORX-749, helped themselves to a backpack and smokes that was left on our step. If you see this vehicle please notify the Pueblo Police Department.
Shame #3 – The Ugly Dick Pic
Seriously guys, if you haven’t gotten the message, girls DON’T LIKE dick pics. And you should thank me for blurring this one out, this dude really does have an ugly ass dick.
Please note: All cases of exposure are reported to the police.

Shame #2 – The Camera Creeper
This creepy customer didn’t ask if he could film Brooke and it’s obvious he’s doing it without her consent*. Guess it’s OK to post this video without his.
*Safe rule is to always ask. Many of the baristas don’t mind letting tipping customers snap a selfie with them.

Watch as he hides the screen of his phone with his wallet. He gets real brave around the 2 minute mark and earns his way onto the Espresso-X Hall Of Shame. And what’s with the phony stretches… Bahahahaha
Shame #1 – The Tip Thief and His Friend
This guy showed up with his friend and as the friend distracted the barista at the other window, he helped himself to the barista’s hard-earned tips.

Watch the 1 minute mark to see this thief earn his way onto the Espresso-X Hall Of Shame.